Monday, February 11, 2008

MLB and Steroids: The Aftermath of the Mitchell Report

Major League Baseball has always been a big time sport in the United States. Baseball is considered our nation's greatest pastime but it has taken a big hit since the steroid issue has came into play. Big star athletes has been caught or admitted using steriods or other illegal drugs and it has hurt the public eye on the game of baseball. The biggest star to get caught so far was Barry Bonds and it has hurt his fan base and his market value. The new biggest name that has came out of the Mitchell Report (which has been released for a few months now) is Yankees star pitcher Roger Clemens. He is now on trial with Mr. McNamee (who was his trainer and has said that he injected Clemens with human growth hormones). This Mitchell Report was supposed to try and help end steroid use in the MLB but it has now caused more drama for baseball. It seems that baseball always survives even with big distaractions because so many fans have a passion for baseball that they don't mind a few distractions.

I believe that Clemens took steroids and I believe he won't admit it because he does not want to ruin his image in the public eye and his chances on making the Hall of Fame. All of his records and great achievements would take a huge hit if he gets caught lieing about the use of steroids. I always had a gut feeling that he used steroids and now that he is accussed I believe he is definitly guilty. The hearing is in progress right now and it just seems that he is lieing since he seems to stumble on all of his words. Another event that happened that made this case more dramatic is that his long good friend Andy Pettitte said that Roger did use steroids and that they used to talk about it together a few years ago. This statement by Andy made everything more dramatic and the case got even more crazier. I just can't wait for this case and trial to end and I hope that Major League Baseball can get rid of all the steroid and illegal drug use for good.

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